
Fall Fishing Tips

By Trevor Kugler

As the weather gets colder and the leaves begin to change color, you begin to think about fishing, right? Well, you most certainly should. There is probably no better time for fishing than the fall. In this article I'm going to explore some fall fishing tips that will help you catch more fish on your next fishing outing. While most everyone is focusing on football, school, and hunting, do yourself a favor and spend some time fishing, you won't be disappointed.

The fall is the best time to be on the water, in my opinion. There are many less anglers and the fish are hungry. You see, fish tend to "stock up" on food before the long, cold days of winter when their metabolism slows and they tend to eat less. Not to mention the fact that the scenery in the Fall of the year tends to be much better than in other seasons. Being in Nature is a big part of fishing, and Natures majesty is truly on display during the fall of the year.

Shall we get down to the fall fishing tips now? Sounds good to me.

Use Gang Hooks - This tip is true in all seasons, but its nonetheless true. If you use live bait, including live or synthetic worms, gang hooks are a must. They are simply a pair of small hooks tied in tandem, which enable worms to be presented n an outstretched and natural manner. This makes a big difference in not only bite rates, but also those pesky 'short striking' fish. Gang hooks are a great fall fishing tip.
Use "Fresh" Line - After a spring and summer of fishing, fresh line is of the utmost importance. You should change your line frequently in any case, but certainly as the fall fishing season begins. Fresh line, which obviously means new line, is a must as fall fishing season begins. New line can make a huge difference in knot tying, casting distance, and breakage.
Use The Weather & Moon To Your Advantage - The weather & moon have a huge impact in the activity level of fish, and knowing how this works can be a big advantage to you as an angler. And it's not necessary to become a meteorologist or astronomer either. The basic information of how these two forces of Mother Nature impact fishing trips is all that is necessary. The information can be learned in a few minutes of study, and will pay dividends for many years to come.
Have Good Fingerless Gloves Available - In any areas of the country, fall fishing can get a bit chilly at times, and having access to some quality fingerless gloves can make many fall fishing trips much more enjoyable. Fingerless gloves are a great fall fishing tip. Throw a pair in your fishing vest, just in case you need them. Nothing can ruin a perfectly good fishing trip like freezing fingers.
These simple, yet incredibly helpful, fall fishing tips will not only help you catch more fish, they will also help you to be much more comfortable. Use one or all of them to have a much better fishing experience.

The Most Comfortable & Affordable Fingerless Gloves: http://www.jrwfishing.com/Wristies.asp

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Trevor_Kugler


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