
Trout Fishing Tips - For the Seasoned Trout Angler

By Trevor Kugler

In this article I'm going to outline some trout fishing tips for the seasoned trout angler. That is, the angler who spends a lot of time fishing for trout and wants to take their trout fishing to the next level. I know this is what happened to me ten or so years ago. I was catching a lot of trout, but the problem was that most of them were on the smallish size, and when I did get the opportunity to hook/land a big trout it rarely worked out in my favor. Then I started making some changes to my trout fishing approach and my experience changed.

That is what this article is about. The tips that made a difference in my catch rates and helped me become a much more effective trout fisherman. The first thing I did was remember back to my days of fishing with my fishing mentor (the best trout angler I've ever come in contact with). What I realized was that this man paid incredible attention to the details. He always made sure he used light line, tied good knots, paid attention to his shadow, and fished with an incredible amount of patience.

For example, once he located a trophy trout, either by physically seeing it or missing/losing it, he would fish for that trout until he caught it. I once knew him to fish the same area for 2-3 hours a day for 5 days in a row until he caught the trout he was after. Many of the things he did, like fishing for a single trout for five days in a row, seemed almost crazy to me at the time. But in retrospect the things he did were the reason that he was such an effective trout fisherman.

The first of the trout fishing tips I'm going to discuss is paying attention to your shadow. This is obviously most important in small river and stream situations. Trout, especially larger more experienced trout, are very aware of their surroundings and "spook" easily. A simple thing like casting your shadow on the water you're going to fish can spook the hole and cause the trout not to bite. Always pay attention to where your shadow is being cast.

The next trout tip to keep in mind is the kind of hooks you employ for trout fishing. My mentor always insisted on the most effective fishing hooks ever designed; gang hooks. Gang hooks are a pair of small hooks tied in tandem, which enable live bait (especially live worms) to be presented in a completely natural manner. A live worm rigged on a set of gang hooks and allowed to flow naturally with the current of a river or stream is a deadly trout catching combination.

Finally one of the most important trout fishing tips I've ever learned is to always be trout fishing at the most opportune times. This means learning the simple ways in which the weather and moon affect fish and fish behavior, and using this information to your advantage. By using the weather and moon to your advantage you will become a much more successful trout angler. These two forces of Mother Nature have an incredible impact on not only the numbers or bites you will get, but also the size of the fish that are biting.

Starts using these tips sooner rather than later, and start catching more and bigger trout. Also, never forget what Steven Wright said of all of us anglers: "There's a fine line between fishing and standing in the shore looking like an idiot". No truer words may have ever been spoken, and I can attest that sometimes said line is razor thin!

Gang Hooks Tied & Ready To Fish: http://www.jrwfishing.com/gang_hooks.asp

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Trevor_Kugler


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