by: Karin Manning
Have you ever imagined catching massive trophy bass?
Are you a beginner bass fisherman or woman anxious to learn pro bass fishing secrets?
There are professional bass fishing tips and techniques that amateur anglers are using to bag largemouth bass on almost every single cast. It’s almost like these men have gone into the mindset of the largemouth bass species.
They can predict their every move, where they’re going to be, when they’re going to be there, how long they are going to be there.
Their friends can’t believe their luck.
The thing is, bass fishing experts know there’s absolutely no luck involved. These men and women have turned their fishing careers around in the blink of an eye. They don’t have time for trial and error; They have simply taken the time to learn top secret bass fishing tips and techniques and gotten the best bass fishing help that money can buy to become a better bass fisherman or woman. Like the best bass fishing lures to use, when you should never leave an area that normally you would have and the best places to know where prize trophy bass will be waiting to strike.
By following the following 10 bass fishing secret tips and techniques you will be well on your way to wall mounting your first trophy bass.
1. Water temperature plays a very important role in the activity of largemouth bass. The most ideal water temperature for largemouth bass is between 58 and 75 degrees Farhenheit.
2. Largemouth bass can tell when a cold front is on its way and start to binge eat. This lasts until the cold front finally hits. If you turn up in the middle of a cold patch there will be little largemouth bass activity.
3. Full grown largemouth bass travel alone. Unlike many other game fish they do not run in schools. Instead they are extremely territorial and will always claim an area as their own. Find this area and they will defend it against all intruders. And that means a strike for you!
4. Experienced trophy bass fishermen and women will always remember the exact location that they caught a bass. That is because in a maximum of 2 days another largemouth bass will have taken over the territory.
5. Become a better bass fisherman or woman by casting in the same fishing spot at least a few times. Bass get increasingly more protective and you will eventually get a strike. It is inherent in their behaviour to strike to protect their environment so don’t give up too soon.
6. Bass can’t stand direct sunlight for too long as they have no eye lids. They will always be viewing their food source from a shady secluded spot.
7. Largemouth bass pick up vibrations very easily in the water with their lateral line which extends from its fill plates to the centre of its tail. This lateral line is very sensitive to vibration and these vibrations, in turn, easily tell them what shape, speed and size their prey is.
8. Their sense of smell is extremely sensitive. Their thinking process is pretty simple. If they smell a predator they will always swim away. If they smell a small prey they will always hunt for it.
9. Avoid largemouth bass shying away from a strike by limiting smells from outside sources. Nicotine, sunscreen, perfumes and even human sweat can easily get transferred onto bait.
10. Bass have a very keen sense of hearing and in fact their entire body acts as an ear. This is of course how it hears its prey move through the water. You are serious about bagging a trophy bass then remember not to talk. Bass will shy away if they hear unfamiliar loud noises.
Largemouth bass are one of the best fighting fish in the world. In the last 25 years the sport of largemouth bass fishing has grown into a billion dollar industry which shows no signs of slowing down.
The more you understand and know about largemouth bass the more successful you will be at catching them and receiving award winning trophies.
So start your bass fishing education today….there’s bass fish ready to strike!
Copyright 2006 Karin Manning
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