
Salmon Fishing Tips

By Milos Pesic

Are you one of those people who seem to get hooked with salmon fishing? Who can blame you for that? Most of salmon fishing experts either started to learn fishing at an early age or have learned to fish just a few years ago. And do you know what they have to say about salmon fishing? Once they have tried it, they got hooked to it ever since and I think you have just turned into one of them. So, how’s your salmon fishing? Were you able to reach your limit?

Actually, if you are new to this, shall we say, pastime and you can’t seem to catch as much salmon as other fishermen can, then I guess you need more than a lot of practice. You definitely can also use some salmon fishing tips to get your hopes up. But before we go to salmon fishing tips, you should know first what salmon likes and dislikes. By knowing these things will help you catch them.

* Salmon like cloudy water with lots of plankton or other particles to keep them hidden from other predators. In other words, you can seldom find them in clear waters, unless if they get hungry. Most likely they show up at nighttime and before sunshine.

* They prefer large baits, which is about 5-7 in.

* They don’t like warm water. They only appear in warm water just to feed.

* They hate calm water with plenty of boats, especially the king salmon. They would prefer choppy waters.

After knowing what salmon like and dislike, you probably have a little idea on what to expect and what to do. Now, you’re ready to learn more of the salmon fishing tips. One of the most important salmon fishing tips that you should learn is attracting salmon with your bait or lure. The action of your bait can attract the attention of salmon and if you have good rolling and erratic action, you’ll have greater chance of attracting salmon and catching them. Know also the kind of food they feed, whether they eat anchovies, herring, or squid, and make your bait look injured. The moment a salmon hits on your bait or lure, it thinks of dinner. The more your bait looks like wounded and struggling, the more it gets the attention of salmon.

Among the most important salmon fishing tips is keeping your hooks sharp as much as possible. Sounds obvious, but most fishermen overlook this issue. Now, if your concern is getting the bigger guys, especially the Chinook salmon, and you can’t catch any, it’s probably because they are disturbed with your boat’s noise. Actually, king salmon aren’t bothered with boats, but there are times that they are. If this is the case, have your bait or lure 50–60 feet behind your boat and 20-25 feet down.

Now that you have learned some useful salmon fishing tips, all you have to do is use them and see if you can catch more salmon this time. Also, don’t be reluctant to get some more fishing tips from other fishermen who are experts with this hobby. It will help a lot!

Milos Pesic is an avid fisherman and owner of popular and comprehensive Salmon Fishing information site. For more articles and resources on Salmon Fishing related topics, Salmon Fishing equipment, tips and trips, visit his site at:


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Milos_Pesic


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